Jozef Didy

Jozef Didy founded RDA Agency in 2006. During his tenure as chief instructor, he retrained several thousands students. He participated in several foreign missions in Iraq, Libya and Somalia.

Ján Lupták

Ján Lupták is a former member of the 5th special purpose regiment, with combat experience from missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2016, he has been working as a long-range shooting instructor at the RDA Agency. He is the organizer of Precision Rifle Series races within SK.

Tomáš Santa

Tomáš Santa has been serving in law enforcement for 11 years. He is actively involved in IPSC as a sports shooter, but also as a referee. He has been working as an instructor at RDA since 2021.

Michal Vanerka

Michal Vanerka is a certified EUSECA shooting instructor and TCCC instructor. He is one of the founders of the Training Group initiative. He also participates in many projects whose tasks in Slovakia are to promote and popularize a responsible approach to shooting and preparedness for crisis situations.

Vladimír Šajánek

As part of his CPO/PSD career, Vladimír Šajánek worked on several contracts in Somalia, Libya and Ukraine since 2017. He is a graduate of RDA courses and professional courses abroad according to the SIA methodology.

Dominik Gono

Dominik Gono has been the director of RDA Agency since 2021. With his work, he contributed to many innovations and the creation of a new RDA training concept. At the same time, he actively supports the international shooting community through various activities and projects.

Denis Kostelanský

Denis Kostelanský works as a marketing manager. He won several awards for his work on projects with important clients in the civil sector. At RDA Agency, he makes sure that the company acts professionally not only on the courses, but also in the online environment.

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