Situational Awareness

Use our "sensors" to avoid unwanted situations or at least to detect them in advance should foundational.
4 hours
The course is designed for the general public
Price with tax
59.00 €
Course dates

One of the prerequisites for successful management of the crisis is preparation. That is why a 5P rule exists (proper preparation prevents poor performance).

In this course, we will explain how to use our senses to detect a possible threat.

Many people would give anything if they knew a second earlier that something bad would happen. The concept of application awareness application is exactly the tool that allows you to do so.

What do you get

  • Situational awareness
  • Crisis situations definitiion
  • Cooper's color scheme
  • Ooda Loop 
  • Prevention
  • Everyday application

Take with you

  • notepad and pen

All information

Course duration
4 hours
Place of course
Banská 6301 - RDA base, Nové Mesto nad Váhom
The course is open to civilian candidates and all armed forces.

The course is designed for the general public

Price of course
59.00 €
Prihlásiť sa na kurz

How it looks like

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