Shooting-Athletic Competition Like No Other
200 Rifle / 150 pistol
1 day
Competitors must demonstrate safe handling of both long and short firearms. Physical fitness is essential for successfully completing the planned stages.
Price with tax
79.00 €

Operation Full Spectrum is a one-day event combining the accuracy of shooting with physical disciplines. You will face four stages of intense tasks that will test your abilities under various physical and mental demands.

This competition is for anyone eager to test their limits, passionate about sports and shooting, and unafraid of challenges.

All participants will receive a merch package and refreshments during the competition as part of the entry fee.

Come experience something new and prove that you can push beyond your limits!

What do you get

Competition Format

  • The event is open to everyone and offers 30 slots divided into three categories: Men, Women, and Pairs.
  • Competitors will progress through 4 stagess, each designed to challenge your fitness, precision, speed, endurance and determination.
  •  Final Stage: The best of the best will advance to the fifth and final stage, where the winners will be crowned.
  • Early bird registration fee applies for payments made by March 31. Standard entry fee: €99 after this date.

Take with you

  • Rifle and three magazines   
  • Pistol and three magazines
  • Plate carrier with a net weight of 6kg+ 
  • Belt with a holster and mag pouches
  • Hearing and eye protection
  • Clothing suitable for outdoor activities (tactical gear not required

Get ready to experience a unique blend of skill and stamina—push your boundaries and join the action!

All information

Course duration
1 day
Place of course
strelecký areál Drapliak
Open to All Armed Forces and the Civilian Sector
Competitors must demonstrate safe handling of both long and short firearms. Physical fitness is essential for successfully completing the planned stages.

Price of course
79.00 €

How it looks like

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